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Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] Digest Number 142

From: "Edwards, Ed" <ed.edwards@...>
Date: 2000-07-31

> From: "Edwards, Ed" <ed.edwards@...>
> > If you're trying to play standard MIDI
> > files then you'll need what's known as a "ROMpler", that is
> - a digital
> > synth built to accept General MIDI that's got all those
> boring old sounds
> in
> > it.
> Oh, I take issue at this. :)

Ah, but I was being sarcastic! Back in the old days when all we had were
subtractive synthesizers we longed for samples, samplers, ROMplers and the
like. When they came in, there was a lot of talk about analog synthesis
being obsolete. The talkers were wrong, of course. Therefore: the AN1x
lives. But, by itself it can't do a lot of other stuff.

> I have a rompler that doesn't do General MIDI and that isn't
> boring. :)
> Speaking of which, a Korg Triton is General MIDI capable.
> I've seen... stuff
> more boring than that. :)
> - Peter

I guess my point is that the AN1x was built to be a certain type of sound
generation machine (musical instrument), and the person who wanted to play
MIDI songs on it was like trying to make a violin sound like a piano. A
violin is built for a certain set of sounds, and calling it bad or
inefficient because it can't sound like a piano is like cursing your foot
because you can't see with your toes.

(Oh, and my Korg 01/W still rules as the Beast of Clarity. )