Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list
Subject: OT tr-707 instruments for cubase
From: joel <mango@...>
Date: 2000-03-20
Does anyone know how to make a roland tr-707 work with Cubase vst 3.7 ?
I want to make a drumgroove in cubase rather than user the drummachine's
own sequencer.
I think i have done all that was neccesary, but i can't get it to work.
I have connected my PC's midi-out to my an1x's midi-in, PC's midi-in to
an1x's midi-out, an1x's midi-through to tr-707's midi-in.
Then set the tr-707's midichannel to 10, then set the an1x's Tx
(transmit?) Ch(annel)
to 10 also, and then the an1x's Rx (receive?) Ch(annel) to 10 also, then
i set Local off on my an1x so i could be sure i could hear the
drummachine. (if i use the 707's own sequencer there is sound coming
out, so it's not the volume settings i have overlooked ;)
Then i set the tr-707 to OMNI off and the 707's sync-mode to slave.
The 707 should now respond to the two octaves below C from my an1x,
but it doesn't work.
What am i doing wrong?
If anyone knows something i'd be glad to hear it.