[sdiy] Non-DIY, but looking for repair advice...

John Ames commodorejohn at gmail.com
Tue May 14 05:30:28 CEST 2024

On Mon, 13 May 2024 16:34:24 +0100
S Ridley <spridley1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> But I'd give the connectors between the VCO board and filter a gentle
> wiggle or re-seat first - a bit of oxidation there would do it, and
> the fault might mysteriously go away while you're investigating it,
> only to reappear  Connector C5 on the VCO board to connector C9 on
> the VCF/VCA/EG board.
> I'd check the power rails are +/-15v, but suggest not chasing the hum
> until the level problem is solved.  You may find once the signal
> level is good, the hum is below noticeable levels.

Well, I got it disassembled and reseated the connectors without fouling
anything up, but it didn't do anything for the output level. I'll check
the power rails next, but I'm curious - the service manual advises to
check/trim PSU voltage between +/- 15V terminals on the PN1 2/2 board
and the VE terminal on the JK board, but doesn't actually label any of
the boards as the JK board in the diagram. Looks like the rear-panel
jack board has a VE terminal - am I safe in assuming that's the one?

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