[sdiy] Synth Electronics

Neil Johnson neil.johnson71 at gmail.com
Thu May 9 12:29:20 CEST 2024


Ashlyn Black wrote:
> Irrespective of Electronotes or other copyrighted material, it is my opinion that free information, advice, anecdotes, independent research etc and discussion on the nature of such things absolutely belong on a publicly available community mailing list named "Synth Do-It-Yourself."

I agree that free (as in beer) information should be widely shared.
But it is for the copyright owner to decide if something is free or
not.  And in this case, my understanding is that Bernie has deemed
Electronotes not "free" but something of sufficient value that you
need(ed) to purchase it.

Feel free to try that same attitude in a bookshop.
Or you can try a public library where you are free to read the book
there, or borrow it for some defined period of time; the book always
belongs to the library, and you are only allowed to make limited
partial copies for personal use only.

When there are already plenty of free resources on the internet, and
as Bernie himself has pointed out a significant chunk of Electronotes
is on the website for free download anyway.... shrug...


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