[sdiy] Synth Electronics

Mike Bryant mbryant at futurehorizons.com
Wed May 8 14:26:48 CEST 2024

I'm sure most people here agree with me, but can I make it quite clear to the last poster that we do NOT live in an "Open Source world" whatever that may be.  Nor was the Internet designed for sharing, far from it.  The web may have been but that followed on long afterwards and was originally intended for internal distribution at CERN, no more.

But in any case copyright laws apply wherever you are.  If the person creating that library of knowledge decides to no longer supply it, that is their perogative.  There are other ways of obtaining similar information legally.
From: Synth-diy <synth-diy-bounces at synth-diy.org> on behalf of Paulo Constantino via Synth-diy <synth-diy at synth-diy.org>
Sent: 08 May 2024 12:13
To: Neil Johnson <neil.johnson71 at gmail.com>
Cc: synth-diy at synth-diy.org <synth-diy at synth-diy.org>
Subject: Re: [sdiy] Synth Electronics

Some people here have the full electro notes as PDF and refuse to give it to others.
Come on. We live in an open source world and the point of the internet is to share.
THere should be no morals concerning the. The book is outdated and can't be found anywhere.

Someone who refuses to share such a thing is really a blind and selfish person who thinks
are doing any moral good.

Moral good is sharing the knowledge to others. Nothing is ever achieved by selfishness and short sightedness like
this person is exhibiting.

Science and engineering is done by sharing information and not by moral principles.

Damn your moral principles. Damn them all.

On Tue, May 7, 2024 at 5:35 PM Neil Johnson <neil.johnson71 at gmail.com<mailto:neil.johnson71 at gmail.com>> wrote:
Amos wrote:
> I'm a little surprised nobody here has mentioned Horowitz and Hill's book "The Art of Electronics" (unless I missed where someone did). I think it's a great resource in terms of providing some depth and nuance to the discussion of why to to use certain designs, how to adjust them to achieve various performance goals/tradeoffs... for someone who wants to achieve musicality in their analog circuit design, I think it has some things to offer.

For opamps I prefer Sergio Franco's book "Design With Operational
Amplifiers And Analog Integrated Circuits".  Although AoE does have a
lot of useful information in it and has steadily grown in size over
the years.

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