[sdiy] Best AVAILABLE OTA for building new designs?

Mattias Rickardsson mr at analogue.org
Sat Aug 10 14:45:07 CEST 2024

Hi Dan,

Returning to the OP questions about today's OTAs, I'm curious to hear if
you specifically need OTAs and some of their properties (linear control,
differential inputs, voltage levels, current/voltage interfacing, etc), or
if VCAs would also be an alternative?

SSI2164 quad VCA is mentioned often since it's very easy and fun to design
with, but if I'd need a linear control I'd probably look for more
alternatives before I'd used the linearized 2164 method. It's not the
"best" VCA in terms of hi-fi quality, but it's very good - good enough for
synths and great price/performance compared to the hi-fi mixing console
ones. Also very handy to apply in designs, with a useful dB/V law, and with
a huge community knowledge base, which is another variant of "best".

Perhaps you're already skilled in OTA design and prefer continuing using
OTAs when it works, which is understandable. :-)

/mr  -  wouldn't be surprised if a new even better OTA chip saw the light
of day soon

Den tors 8 aug. 2024 20:14Dan Snazelle via Synth-diy <
synth-diy at synth-diy.org> skrev:

> imagine someone asked you to make some new synth modules.
> then imagine that the last time you did so in any quantity above one---
> it was 2017.
> I am trying to get a handle on what the parts landscape is like now for
> cost-effective CV control. Back in 2017 the lm13700 was really the only
> available OTA . I was just starting to work with the ssm2164 at the time
> but never used it extensively.
> In the interim I have built synth circuits but only in quantities of one
> where cost was no object and I was able to rely on my own extensive parts
> supply.
> So my question is this-- if I am thinking about design for manufacturing—what
> do you think the best option is?
> Has anyone tried the quad ALFA OTA? Is it even readily available? Same for
> the new SSM2040​.
> OR would you just use the 2164 instead?
> OR would you just try to make discrete OTAS out of say the  BCM856DS
> //BCM847BS
> thanks for any and all opinions on this.
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