[sdiy] Sampler with tape dump?

Rainer Buchty rainer at buchty.net
Fri Aug 9 19:53:51 CEST 2024

On Thu, 8 Aug 2024, Roman Sowa via Synth-diy wrote:

> Don't forget, we (as in "we, humans) have reached theoretical limit of 
> 56kbs in lousy 3kHz bandwidth of a phone line.

Even 64k, considering European ISDN using a UK0 modem aka NTBA.

But both approaches required a "fully digital" switchboard, whatever 
that meant in the electrical sense.

With classical analog switchboards (or, like I had back then, a single 
4km long wire connecting me exclusively to what started as a BBS and 
later turned into an internet provider), it was 33k6 at best.

Which of course is still a speedup to 10 compared to the fasted tape 
routines I saw in use during home-computer times.

(These days, I'm sitting on a more than 1km long line and German Telekom 
is utterly amazed that ADSL16, i.e. 16M/2M, is working without issues. 
Pure black magic compared to earlier 1200/75 -- bps, that is -- times.)


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