[sdiy] Best AVAILABLE OTA for building new designs?

mark verbos markverbos at gmail.com
Fri Aug 9 17:50:19 CEST 2024


I’ve been using the AS2164 only when I need the exponential response. If I need linear VCAs I now use the AS3364, which is more or less a clone of the SSM2024. That’s the same pinout more or less as the SSM2164 but has linear response. So, it’s very easy to use, pretrimmed, quiet, CV referenced to ground, summing node signal ins, doesn’t require all of those 560p caps. That works out great when lots of VCAs are needed, Some people were really turned off by the 1% harmonic distortion, but I have yet to notice an distortion on a synth circuit. 

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> On Aug 8, 2024, at 8:08 PM, Dan Snazelle via Synth-diy <synth-diy at synth-diy.org> wrote:
> imagine someone asked you to make some new synth modules.
> then imagine that the last time you did so in any quantity above one---  it was 2017. 
> I am trying to get a handle on what the parts landscape is like now for cost-effective CV control. Back in 2017 the lm13700 was really the only available OTA . I was just starting to work with the ssm2164 at the time but never used it extensively.
> In the interim I have built synth circuits but only in quantities of one where cost was no object and I was able to rely on my own extensive parts supply. 
> So my question is this-- if I am thinking about design for manufacturing—what do you think the best option is? 
> Has anyone tried the quad ALFA OTA? Is it even readily available? Same for the new SSM2040​.  
> OR would you just use the 2164 instead? 
> OR would you just try to make discrete OTAS out of say the  BCM856DS //BCM847BS
> thanks for any and all opinions on this. 
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