[sdiy] Sampler with tape dump?

Gordonjcp gordonjcp at gjcp.net
Thu Aug 8 01:19:26 CEST 2024

On Wed, Aug 07, 2024 at 02:41:38PM -0700, brianw wrote:
> I seriously doubt it. The dump to tape would take so long that it would probably have a 100% chance of error. The size of a synth patch versus the size of a sample is quite a significant difference.

It depends. Home computers with as much as 128kB of RAM used tape for storage, so you could easily store an entire Ensoniq Mirage's worth of sample and program RAM to tape. Using standard ZX tape routines it'd take about 15 minutes to load or save, considerably slower than floppy disk. Even using something like Speedlock would only take that down to about 10-11 minutes.


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