[sdiy] Roland Jupiter 6 issues

Nathan Trites nathan at idmclassics.net
Wed Aug 7 20:42:05 CEST 2024

On one Jupiter 6 I did, I was convinced the RAM was bad because no matter
what there would always be a few corrupt patches that would lock up the
synth. Eventually I figured out the patches that failed had to do with the
level I was doing the playback at, and it was consistent across every
interface I have - the only solution was giving the tape signal an absurd
amount of gain thru a preamp. If I recall the dump I got online was already
normalized, and the cassette interface on the synth had no issues, so
unless the CPU had a problem, it was possibly due to the frequency response
of the specific dump or something like that. Ever since then I've done
cassette restores on Jupiter 6's by giving it a ton of gain thru a mixer
channel, and haven't had any patch dump issues yet. All that to say - don't
rule out cranking the gain like crazy.

I've also had to do what Tony describes to get JP-6 memory to work


On Wed, Aug 7, 2024 at 3:28 AM Tony Allgood via Synth-diy <
synth-diy at synth-diy.org> wrote:

> I have seen similar behaviour before with various JP-6 units over the
> years. What has always fixed it is going into manual mode. Create a
> simple standard 'init' patch, something like a classic analogue pluck
> sound will do. But it doesn't matter - just something you know the sound
> of.
> Then program that same patch into *every* memory location.
> Now check every patch still sounds the same and no crashes occur.
> Reload the factory patches via tape if you wish.
> However, if it is your own patches you are trying to load, then it could
> be that it is those that are corrupted. In this case, it is probably
> better to reprogram those sounds in manual mode.
> Tony
> www.oakleysound.com
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