[sdiy] Pro-One keyboard connector replacement suggestions please

Tom Wiltshire tom at electricdruid.net
Thu Apr 18 14:23:47 CEST 2024

Hi All,

I've currently got my Sequential Pro-One apart for a service, and one of the problems it has is that the keyboard connector sometimes falls out of the socket on the PCB if the synth gets moved about. Over time, it works loose and drops out.

The connectors at both ends are simple 16-pin DIP sockets, connected by a ribbon cable with IDC ribbon-to-DIP plugs on the end. It's about as cheap as it can be. At some point in the past I replaced the DIP socket on the PCB with a turned-pin one, which helps a bit.

What I'm wondering is if anyone knows of a better connector that would fit the same DIP16 footprint? Something more secure would be an upgrade.


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