[sdiy] Identification of an unknown MIDI CV interface

Florian Anwander fanwander at mnet-online.de
Wed Sep 28 22:09:52 CEST 2022

Hi Rene,

Am 28.09.22 um 13:09 schrieb René Schmitz:
> I've goggled a bit and it seems this is a clone of the Doepfer MCV1, 
> which apparently was published as a set of articles in
It seems you're right.
Just to report the end of the initial repair story: the learn button was 
corroded, so it was not possible to setup the interface. I replaced the 
button, and the Prodigy obeys all incoming MIDI notes again (at least 
the ones on its channel and in the given note range...)

Feel free to continue the thread to all the corners of our 1980s 
memories... ;-)

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