[sdiy] Identification of an unknown MIDI CV interface

René Schmitz synth at schmitzbits.de
Wed Sep 28 13:09:15 CEST 2022

Hi all,

I've goggled a bit and it seems this is a clone of the Doepfer MCV1, 
which apparently was published as a set of articles in

the German Magazine "Funkschau".






BestJürk Habel und Dieter Do

epfer, MIDI-Interface für Oldtimer, Funkschau Hefte 9/89, 10/89 und 
11/89, Franzis-Verlag, München

Am 28.09.2022 um 12:36 schrieb Mike Bryant:
> Maybe the original design on the etched PCB was a general purpose MIDI 
> board (hence the matching firmware) and provided an 8 bit GPIO port, 
> but disobeyed the rules and omitted the opto-isolator, so whoever used 
> it added that as well as the DAC they needed for this design on the 
> perfboard.
> *From:*Synth-diy [mailto:synth-diy-bounces at synth-diy.org] *On Behalf 
> Of *René Schmitz
> *Sent:* 28 September 2022 11:29
> *To:* synth-diy at synth-diy.org
> *Subject:* Re: [sdiy] Identification of an unknown MIDI CV interface
> Hi all,
> On 28.09.2022 11:30, Ingo Debus via Synth-diy wrote:
>         https://florian-anwander.de/moog_prodigy/Unknown_Midi_Interface.jpg
>         <https://florian-anwander.de/moog_prodigy/Unknown_Midi_Interface.jpg>
>     The etched PCB looks like a general purpose board. The MIDI stuff
>     and the DAC are on the perf board.
> That's what I was thinking too, but what is interesting is that the 
> logo on the EPROM matches the one on the board.
> So Hardware and Firmware seem to be from the same origin.
> But the rest seems very bespoke and has a high home brew appeal.  This 
> doesn't quite fit to me, because who
> ever wrote the firmware would know what hardware to drive.
> Best,
>  René
> --
> synth at schmitzbits.de
> http://schmitzbits.de
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