[sdiy] Momentum in front panel controls?

Jay Schwichtenberg jschwich53 at comcast.net
Wed Sep 14 02:02:47 CEST 2022

Some of the old radios did use gears to get a multi-turn ratio between 
the knob and the open air variable capacitors. These were typically in 
higher end radios. Lower end and table tops did the same thing using a 
different technique. They would use a combination of different sized 
wheels with a string sort of acting as a pulley using a spring to 
tension the string. About 2/3s down this page is a photo of this type of 


Jay S.

PS: I'm still waiting for the old magic eye/green eye tubes to make a 
come back.

On 9/13/2022 3:44 PM, Ben Bradley via Synth-diy wrote:
> I recall many decades ago, large radios had flywheels on the tuning
> knobs. Partly this was because they had large dials that went over a
> large tuning range (like close to a 3 to 1 frequency range - this is
> the AM broadcast band range, but it's a huge swath of the shortwave
> bands) - the tuning capacitor turned 1/2 turn, but the tuning shaft
> was geared to go maybe 10 turns. The flywheel helped keep the knob
> spinning to help get from one end to the other faster. Even when this
> wasn't necessary, having a small flywheel helped with the "feel" of
> the knob.
> There's this:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCFi6lBdYaU
>> Would you actually need mechanical momentum? If it’s an encoder you could perhaps detect the ‘flick’ motion and do a nice momentum curve in software. Would work nice with a circle of LED’s around it.
> One might try that, but I'm thinking the haptics of something
> physically moving is an important part of this sort of thing.
> On Tue, 13 Sept 2022 at 13:06, cheater cheater via Synth-diy
> <synth-diy at synth-diy.org> wrote:
>> I was wondering if anyone had seen sliders or knobs that had momentum.
>> I think it could feel nice to work with something like that, and it
>> could also let you eg propel a slider to make a slow fade happen while
>> you're also doing other things at the same time. This video about
>> flywheels made me think about it:
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrNEkbdXEuw
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