[sdiy] Resonance control taper ?

Michael E Caloroso mec.forumreader at gmail.com
Sun Sep 11 07:12:12 CEST 2022

The non-programmable Moogs used a reverse audio taper for emphasis control
on their ladder filters.

ARP 2600 used a linear taper, their other monosynths probably do too.


On Sat, Sep 10, 2022 at 11:00 PM Danjel van Tijn / intellijel <
danjel at intellijel.com> wrote:

> Hey Everyone,
> I was curious if there was generally a preferred control curve for
> resonance on a synth filter?  i.e. exponential vs. linear
> Dave Rossum's site has a brief note about this:
> https://www.rossum-electro.com/about-2/from-daves-lab/
> "There is no inherently desirable taper for Q control. In highly resonant,
> but oscillation-proof filters such as state variable designs, it makes
> sense to exponentially control Q. But in ladder filters, oscillation is
> expected, and high Q’s without oscillation are not practically achievable.
> The Rossum Electro EVOLUTION implements approximately linear control of the
> Q VCA."
> It would be interesting to see a list of famous filters/synths and what
> control curve they implemented. For example, the SH-101 and Oberheim SEM
> both use linear tapers.
> cheers,
> Danjel
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