[sdiy] Labelling Your Horde Of Stuff

Terje Winther terje.winther at wintherstormer.no
Wed Jun 8 07:14:19 CEST 2022

I agree with the rest:
• sharpie
• small Dymo label thing.
Covers 99,8% of your needs (really thick marker is neded for the rest).

I have this small handheld device:
https://www.dymo.com/label-makers-printers/letratag-label-makers/dymo-letratag-100h-plus-handheld-label-maker/SAP_21455.html <https://www.dymo.com/label-makers-printers/letratag-label-makers/dymo-letratag-100h-plus-handheld-label-maker/SAP_21455.html>
Can change labels, letter size and style, so I can make labels that will fit both tiny items as well as larger objects. I even use it to label modifications on my modular (need to cut the upper and lower part of the label to have them fit in very tiny spaces, but it works splendidly).

Terje Winther

> 8. jun. 2022 kl. 01:34 skrev Terry Bowman via Synth-diy <synth-diy at synth-diy.org>:
> My collection of parts, Nixie and magic eye tubes, and everything else you can name has grown to the point where I need to get serious about storage. One aspect of this is labelling things. I'm tired of writing on boxes with a Sharpie.
> I really like the capabilities of this Epson series:
> https://www.amazon.com/LABELWORKS-LW-PX300-Industrial-Label-Maker/dp/B08JQMFZ6F <https://www.amazon.com/LABELWORKS-LW-PX300-Industrial-Label-Maker/dp/B08JQMFZ6F>
> https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08JQMJ7RD
> I know there's cheaper stuff out there and the profit is in selling tape cartridges (à la printer ink) but this thing does heat-shrink tubing. Joy.
> So what are you guys using?
> Terry Bowman, KA4HJH
> "The Mac Doctor"
> https://www.astarcloseup.com
> “...the book said something astonishing, a very big thought. The stars, it said, were suns but very far away. The Sun was a star but close up.”—Carl Sagan, "The Backbone Of Night", Cosmos, 1980
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Terje Winther
terje.winther at wintherstormer.no

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