[sdiy] VCO that goes SHARP in highest octaves??

Neil Harper metadata at gmx.com
Thu Jul 14 07:06:19 CEST 2022

On 6/17/22 14:04, Ian Fritz wrote:
> Something else you might try: reduce the values of the integrating cap and the reference current by a factor of two or so. This could possibly reveal any self-heating in the expo transistors.
> Ian

We have a winner!

Reducing the integrator cap and reference voltage by a factor of 2 as
Ian suggested now has the VCO working as expected.

(cents)	C4	C5	C6	C7	C8
BEFORE	0	0	0	+5	+13
AFTER	0	0	-1	-2	-4

The flat higher octaves were easily trimmed out with a very small amount
of added HF-Trim exactly as expected.

I haven't tried Phil Macphail's suggestion yet though of adding a
resistor between the expo pair and the 13700's Iabc pin. Is there an
advantage to either solution?

/// Neil Harper
/// Every Wave is New Until it Breaks

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