[sdiy] Behringer K-2 midi not working

Peter Pearson electrocontinuo at gmail.com
Fri Feb 18 18:59:47 CET 2022

Sorry but why is the Behringer K-2 a "clone" of the MS20 and not the
Mini-Korg?  That makes my head hurt.

On Fri, Feb 18, 2022 at 12:08 PM abide dmdrafting.com <abide at dmdrafting.com>

> I would look at the CV in / out jacks first.     Maybe one has a switching
> jack that is faulty
> Dave
> *From:* Synth-diy <synth-diy-bounces at synth-diy.org> * On Behalf Of *Joe
> Frey
> *Sent:* Friday, February 18, 2022 11:51 AM
> *To:* Flügel, Werner <werner.fluegel at b-tu.de>; SDIY <
> synth-diy at synth-diy.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [sdiy] Behringer K-2 midi not working
> Tx for the response. The synth is seen as a device by the system and my
> DAW sees it as a midi device on channel 1 which is how I have the dip
> switches set. I can send midi and it will play midi sounding only if I have
> a patch cable from kb trig out to trig in.
> _This is not it's intended function_ It would sound notes using only midi
> previously. I did not need to make any other CV connections to play notes
> before.
> You can see others operating this synth as intended in many vids on the
> internet.
> So, it seems to me that the electronics that convert midi to CV are
> working but no longer connect to the analog gate input.
> Questions:
> Is this the appropriate list to ask for help with this?
> Is there a likely chip that decodes midi to CV?
> How should I best approach this?
> Tx. JoeF.
> Get TypeApp for Android <http://www.typeapp.com/r>
> On Feb 18, 2022, at 5:51 AM, "Flügel, Werner" <werner.fluegel at b-tu.de>
> wrote:
> Am 18.02.2022 um 03:39 schrieb Joe Frey:
>  All, I have a Behringer K-2. It's a copy of a Korg MS-20 with midi, too.
>  The midi has stopped working. If I put a patch cable into the KB input I
>  can hear a pitch and it will change accordingly to the key pressed on
>  midi KB.
> Check the MIDI-address: at the back of the Synth are DIP-switches. You
> must set them according to your keyboard. Check the synth with other
> keyboards, and the keyboard with another synth (or a MIDI-Monitor
> running on PC/Laptop)
>  Without the gate patch cable I hear nothing?
> No gate, no sound ;-)
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