[sdiy] Behringer K-2 midi not working

Daniel Roberts danmroberts at gmail.com
Fri Feb 18 18:05:21 CET 2022

If I am understanding correctly, the synth plays fine when you patch from
the K-2's own trig out to the trig In? If so, the MIDI To CV seems to be
working correctly. I think what has likely happened is that the K-2 trig
out is normalized to the trig in, but that the normal pin on the trig-in
jack has broken, so now you need to make the connection between the two
with a patch cable. This same thing has happened with other Behringer
synths like the Model D, it seems that the jacks they use might not have
very robust normal pins.

On Fri, Feb 18, 2022 at 11:53 AM Joe Frey <frey at radioles.com> wrote:

> Tx for the response. The synth is seen as a device by the system and my
> DAW sees it as a midi device on channel 1 which is how I have the dip
> switches set. I can send midi and it will play midi sounding only if I have
> a patch cable from kb trig out to trig in.
> _This is not it's intended function_ It would sound notes using only midi
> previously. I did not need to make any other CV connections to play notes
> before.
> You can see others operating this synth as intended in many vids on the
> internet.
> So, it seems to me that the electronics that convert midi to CV are
> working but no longer connect to the analog gate input.
> Questions:
> Is this the appropriate list to ask for help with this?
> Is there a likely chip that decodes midi to CV?
> How should I best approach this?
> Tx. JoeF.
> Get TypeApp for Android <http://www.typeapp.com/r>
> On Feb 18, 2022, at 5:51 AM, "Flügel, Werner" <werner.fluegel at b-tu.de>
> wrote:
>> Am 18.02.2022 um 03:39 schrieb Joe Frey:
>>>  All, I have a Behringer K-2. It's a copy of a Korg MS-20 with midi, too.
>>>  The midi has stopped working. If I put a patch cable into the KB input I
>>>  can hear a pitch and it will change accordingly to the key pressed on
>>>  midi KB.
>> Check the MIDI-address: at the back of the Synth are DIP-switches. You
>> must set them according to your keyboard. Check the synth with other
>> keyboards, and the keyboard with another synth (or a MIDI-Monitor
>> running on PC/Laptop)
>>  Without the gate patch cable I hear nothing?
>> No gate, no sound ;-)
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