[sdiy] 303 resonance was: emulating bi-polar capacitors

Richie Burnett rburnett at richieburnett.co.uk
Thu Feb 17 13:28:09 CET 2022

If you turn up the 5.333v reference level one of the outcomes is that the resonance increases. As you say it also changes lots of other things including the V/octave scaling of the DAC and CV output, because the 5.333v reference gets fed to lots of things.

But the oscillator can be brought back into tune by messing with the TUNE and WIDTH trimmers, (albeit now also with a non-standard V/octave scaling!)

Not recommended (>.<)


---- Gordonjcp wrote ----

>On Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 11:56:21AM +0000, Mike Bryant wrote:
>> You mean 303s are in tune to start with ????? :-)
>If you set the 5.333V rail correctly, the 1V/oct output is pretty much bang on.  The oscillator is surprisingly stable too.
>Considering they were a (comparatively - nearly a grand, in today's money!) low-cost instrument made from pretty low-spec components, they worked surprisingly well.  Although, those dual trannies couldn't have been cheap!
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