[sdiy] emulating bi-polar capacitors

Barry Klein barryklein at cox.net
Tue Feb 15 20:42:38 CET 2022

I used one in a typical dual op amp triangle oscillator on the phaser in a Music Man amp design. It made a difference in extremely slow sweep symmetry and also I had a function where you pull the knob out and could fix the sweep wherever you wanted it. After I left the whole thing was redesigned. Maybe I didn’t know what I was doing….  45 years ago… Self-taught by Electronotes. What a fun job before work politics F’d it all up.


> On Feb 15, 2022, at 11:32 AM, Mike Bryant <mbryant at futurehorizons.com> wrote:
>> I've never bothered, I've never noticed a difference in just using a 47μ instead of playing about with back-to-back capacitors even after the thick end of 40 years the earliest stuff I built that way still has capacitors that capacitate just fine.
> --
>> Gordonjcp
> Agreed.  Unless you actually have a reverse DC bias voltage (in which case rotate the capacitor) I've never understood any need for the non-polarised capacitors.  Most mixing consoles are full of thousands of them either feeding the input or fed from the output of an opamp via a resistor to ground.
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