[sdiy] Mostly-MFOS modular synth built by my students

Lanterman, Aaron D lanterma at ece.gatech.edu
Fri Apr 29 02:37:38 CEST 2022

I wanted to share this sizable modular called the “Synthesizer Education Project,” that was built over many years by many students on my Retrofuturistic Hardware team. It has a lot of odds and ends, but it’s mostly Ray Wilson’s boards. Yesterday it was moved to its forever home in Georgia Tech’s School of Music, to be used and abused by students for years to come:


Aaron Lanterman, Prof. of ECE, Georgia Tech
My blog on Education and Innovation: https://edupocalypsenow.wordpress.com
My blog on Electronics and Programming: https://lantertronics.blogspot.com
My YouTube channel on Electronics and Programming: https://www.youtube.com/c/lantertronics

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