[sdiy] Some Audio DSP prototypes

Eric Brombaugh ebrombaugh at gmail.com
Sat Apr 23 17:06:05 CEST 2022

That's an interesting data point. I actually bought a copy of Rowley's 
"personal" licensed compiler many years ago when I was starting out on 
ARM stuff. Ended up not using it because the licensing terms weren't 
favorable when I started doing outside contracts,  but I do remember 
that it's a quite nice tool.

Thanks for the offer of help - I'll let you know if a peek at its 
compile commands would be useful.


On 4/23/22 07:30, Ben Stuyts wrote:
> Just another data point:
> I use a commercially supported IDE (Rowley CrossWorks, similar to Segger Embedded Studio) for my Arm projects and it supports both gcc and clang. Basically it’s just a matter of changing a global setting in the IDE and it does all the work for you. As you correctly observed, a lot of cmd-line options are similar. As long as you don’t go overboard with these (or gcc-specific pragma’s) it is very easy to convert from one to the other.
> Eric, contact me if you want me to check what kind of cmd-lines it generates to run the clang compiler/linker.
> Ben
>> On 22 Apr 2022, at 20:37, Eric Brombaugh via Synth-diy <synth-diy at synth-diy.org> wrote:
>> On 4/22/22 01:17, Gordonjcp wrote:
>>> Out of interest, how hard is it to switch from gcc to LLVM, for fairly standard C code with odd sprinklings of assembler?  How much would I need to change?  If it's something fairly straightforward that a couple of #ifdefs can cope with it'd be nice to give folk the choice.
>> After all the noise here about Clang/LLVM I've decided to look into exactly this. I've been using GCC with a straight-forward Makefile flow, so I figured it shouldn't be too difficult. A bit of googling turned up this tutorial which is specifically for embedded ARM stuff:
>> https://interrupt.memfault.com/blog/arm-cortexm-with-llvm-clang
>> The quick summary is that LLVM can understand a great many of GCC's compiler options, and you can use GCC to give you additional details that LLVM might need. The linked article has some errors and omissions that I had to work around, but after a few hours of banging on it I've gotten one of my STMF303 projects to compile without errors.
>> *However* although the compile appears clean, when I try to load it onto the hardware the whole thing grinds to a halt - the linking process appears to have failed somewhere and the code isn't being flashed to the correct address. Using objcpy results in a binary file that's about 4GB in size (the .elf is only 200kB, which is comparable to the .elf I get from GCC), so there's clearly more work to do.
>> I'm hopeful that I can get this going at some point in order to make a more informed comparison for myself, but I've set it aside for now. I realize that the free version I'm using is apparently not the best, but I'm not shelling out kilobucks for a quick spin.
>> If anyone has suggestions I'd be glad to try them out, and I'll certainly post results if/when I get it going.
>> Eric
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