[sdiy] Some Audio DSP prototypes

Ullrich Peter Peter.Ullrich at kapsch.net
Wed Apr 20 14:44:15 CEST 2022


Yes, I also liked the 8051 a lot. Programmed them in assembler but mainly in PL/M51, sometimes in Pascal-51 and then also with Keil C51.

While my college used the old Intel iPDS Emulator (CPM based computer with built in monochrome screen like the Osborne) I preferred using the Ashling emulators.
For testing modem protocols that I defined on my own I needed realtime tracing and so we bought an option where a Texas Instrument DSP sits above the emulating 8051 chip and traced and analysed up to 20 code tracepoints in realtime. So I saw in realtime how often and when my trace points had been hit. This was really cool.
So I could see if I received all frames, if I acknowledged all frames, if there were correction frames and if the complete block has been transferred successfully.

For private developments I used the Dallas DS5000 (8051 with RAM based code storage) chips - I built a simple go/nogo emulator with these.
But I also have a simple Price-51 emulator that I used for PLM51 developments.

I still have most of these chips and emulators around but they haven't been used for years now as I mainly use Arduino Nanos or ATtiny chips  or similar for my developments now.
Using an onboard flash and EEPROM is so much easier than burning EPROMS or low level Flashs...


http://rc100-usb.at.tt/   (Roland sampler tool)
http://synpro.heimat.eu/datadial.htm (Synth addon)

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Synth-diy <synth-diy-bounces at synth-diy.org> Im Auftrag von Neil Johnson via Synth-diy
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 20. April 2022 14:10
An: Ingo Debus <igg.debus at gmail.com>
Cc: Synth-diy <synth-diy at synth-diy.org>
Betreff: *EXT* Re: [sdiy] Some Audio DSP prototypes

Ingo Debus wrote:
> On my day job, I had written programs for the 8051 (only 256 bytes of RAM! Certainly not more powerful than a PIC) in C for many years. In fact, C can be easier on RAM than assembly language, since in assembly there's no such thing as local variables.
> And regarding program memory usage: in the beginning I tried to outsmart the compiler (counting a loop counter down rather than up), hoping the compiler would use the DJNZ instruction. DJNZ (decrement and jump if not zero) is a powerful 8051 instruction for creating loops. Then I looked at the code the compiler had created: no DJNZ in there. Looking closer I found that the compiler's solution was shorter and faster than the one I had in mind.

I also started using microcontrollers with the 8051 (in my case the 87C751).  The Keil C51 compiler was simply amazing and I spent days looking at the assembler code it generated to understand HOW it could do it.  It's partly what got me interested in compiler technology...
which led to jobs, a PhD, more jobs......
The 8051 ICE, with the bondout chips, was also fun to use if somewhat clunky, and thick cables to the debug pod :(


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