[sdiy] Some Audio DSP prototypes

Eric Brombaugh ebrombaugh at gmail.com
Sat Apr 16 01:57:39 CEST 2022

I'll grant that I'm probably a corner case - I do indeed do all my dev 
work on Linux with a pretty basic set of tools: editor, makefiles and 
OpenOCD / GDB run from the command line. It works for me and I don't 
have any major complaints about the RPi flow vs the flow I use for 
STM32. And there's no doubt that the hardware capabilities of the chips 
we can easily get today fall far short of what was available 18mo ago. I 
miss hardware floating point, 1/2GHz clock rates and decent ADCs.

I'd also venture that your 26-chip system is a different kind of corner 
case and I absolutely understand how frustrating it would be to use 
tools that are designed for hobbyist users in a situation like that. You 
have my sympathy and admiration. Hopefully the folks you're working with 
at RPi are listening and learning from your experience.


On 4/15/22 16:37, Mike Bryant wrote:
>> Installing, wiring and using these is well described in the RPi Pico documentation and the user experience is very similar to debugging with ST-Link on an STM32.
> Except the STM32 system works well on Windows and the RP2040 system barely even works unless you develop on a Pi with Linux.   Okay for a small project but not for anything large or needing long term support.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Synth-diy [mailto:synth-diy-bounces at synth-diy.org] On Behalf Of Eric Brombaugh via Synth-diy
> Sent: 15 April 2022 23:56
> To: ackolonges fds; synth-diy at synth-diy.org
> Subject: Re: [sdiy] Some Audio DSP prototypes
> The RPi Foundation provides a few options for doing SWD debugging on the
> RP2040:
> 1) An customized OpenOCD running on a standard Raspberry Pi board that uses GPIO to implement an SWD interface.
> 2) An installable binary for the RPi Pico devboard which turns it into a USB <> SWD adapter that works with a customized build of OpenOCD.
> Installing, wiring and using these is well described in the RPi Pico documentation and the user experience is very similar to debugging with ST-Link on an STM32.
> Eric
> On 4/15/22 15:39, ackolonges fds wrote:
>> I've been thinking of converting a design to RP2040 from STM32 because
>> of the shortage. It's not heavy on DSP, just controls a couple of I2C
>> DACs, GPIOs, and uses an Input Compare timer. I have been using the
>> STM32CubeIDE with an ST-LINK V2 programmer, and have found it very
>> good, and debugging very convenient via SWD. From what I've searched
>> on the
>> RP2040 so far, the debugging is much less convenient than this. Would
>> you please be able to comment on your programming/debugging setup for
>> it? Is it possible to get something comparable to the
>> STM32CubeIDE/ST-LINK/SWD workflow?
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