[sdiy] ALFA clone chips?

Benjamin Tremblay btremblay at me.com
Sat Mar 27 16:46:45 CET 2021

I have not tried the VCO, but have had great results with the 3320 VCF and the 3360 VCA. It’s pretty much Pro One for the masses.
The 3320 is easy to damage if you over-power the resonance control. 
The 3360 can be tamed once you work within the correct control voltage range. 
I’m an idiot. I don’t have a scope. But they sound great and I was able to get them stood up and move on to the rest of my project. 

I’m also using a number of AS2164 chips. I have never used other brands, but these work great for computer-controlled mixers of analog signals.
I made no effort to squeeze any gain out of them using negative voltage bias on the control pins. They work fine for my application.

I still have some 3330 VCA chips. They were very frustrating to use.  They seem to require a low-impedance voltage divider that gets very noisy without careful placement of capacitors. 
Maybe if I go back and try to breadboard them after having learned the 3360 I could be more successful. 

> On Mar 27, 2021, at 11:19 AM, cheater cheater <cheater00social at gmail.com> wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone had any experiences with ALFA clones of
> classic chips. Are they good? Is anything missing? Are they very crap?
> No difference at all? Any specific ones to watch out for?
> Thanks
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