[sdiy] Polyphonic MIDI to CV

Peter Pearson electrocontinuo at gmail.com
Fri Jul 9 19:45:05 CEST 2021

Yeah for a string synth you'd want a load of gates, not CV.  I did a quick
scan of this article and I think it's basically along the same lines as
what you're looking for:


This Doepfer board is an off the shelf option but I haven't checked


Hope that's helpful.

On Fri, Jul 9, 2021 at 12:40 PM Brian Willoughby <brianw at audiobanshee.com>

> What sorts of circuits are voltage-controlled in your project? i.e. What
> do the various CV signals control?
> It's certainly possible to build a MIDI to CV circuit that handles more
> than the typical standalone MIDI-to-CV. As one example, the old Prophet VS
> has 60 CV channels inside. Do you know how many CV you'll need?
> You don't really need CV to turn on each voice, but a simple analog
> switch. The problem with a switch, though, is that it does not impart
> velocity. If you want velocity in a top/divide then you'll need 128 VCA
> circuits to cover the full MIDI range of notes. If you don't have 128 VCA,
> then your full polyphony will be reduced to the number of VCA that you have.
> Brian
> On Jul 9, 2021, at 07:45, francesco mulassano via Synth-diy <
> synth-diy at synth-diy.org> wrote:
> > Logan has top generator with dividers and BBD for the 'fx'
> >
> > Il giorno ven 9 lug 2021 alle ore 16:44 Oren Leavitt via Synth-diy <
> synth-diy at synth-diy.org> ha scritto:
> >> What type of tone generation does this project use? Top octave
> generator/dividers were typical in many 70s string synths.
> >>
> >> - Oren
> >>
> >> On 7/9/21 9:09 AM, francesco mulassano via Synth-diy wrote:
> >>> as a feature, however, I would really like to use the original scheme
> as much as possible and remain analog as possible (apart from midi, lfo and
> reverb)
> >>>
> >>> Il giorno ven 9 lug 2021 alle ore 14:14 Mike Bryant <
> mbryant at futurehorizons.com> ha scritto:
> >>>
> >>> Well I would suggest at least doing the midi through oscillators out
> in digital.  Definitely easier and cheaper as a single mcu will be powerful
> enough and is needed for midi anyway.
> >>>
> >>> -------- Original message --------
> >>> From: francesco mulassano via Synth-diy
> >>> Date:09/07/2021 12:17 (GMT+00:00)
> >>>
> >>> Hi, I'm thinking of creating a string machine starting from a project
> from the 70s. Basically, a replica of an analog string machine with new
> components. The tricky part I think is the full polyphony with the MIDI to
> CV conversion. There will be no keyboard in the instrument but there will
> be midi input connection.
> >>>
> >>> Do you have any idea, project that does not use commercial modules
> that would be impossible to implement in the circuit?
> >>>
> >>> Thank you
> >>> Francesco
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