[sdiy] Support for my synth circuit lecture videos

Lanterman, Aaron D lanterma at ece.gatech.edu
Fri Dec 31 12:00:44 CET 2021

Dear DIYers,

I hope it isn’t out of line for me to post this here...

Over a decade ago, I put some rough recordings of lectures from my music synthesis class and posted them on blip.tv. That service went away, but some kind folks archived and reuploaded those videos (which was very useful since I lost the original files). Partially inspired by the enthusiastic response those old videos received, when Covid hit, I redid all my lectures in a more polished format and put them on YouTube: 


Over the years people who have found benefit from my lecture videos have occasionally asked if I had a Patreon or similar service they could contribute to. Since the videos were created as part of my job at Georgia Tech for which I’m paid by Georgia Tech, ethically I can’t really set up something like that which would put money directly in my bank account.

But, I worked out a deal with the Powers that Be at Tech such that people could make a *targeted* donation to the Georgia Tech Foundation earmarked to support my work with my students. Instructions are given here: https://youtu.be/VBu-LST1p9c

In particular, it's important that Lantertronics/GTF210000920 goes the “special purpose” field so your donation doesn’t go to building another football stadium or something like that. ;)

(Some year ago I worked out something similar, but it required people to mail a paper check. Now you can type in a credit card number.)

This goes a long way towards helping me show my fellow faculty, in particularly my superiors, that there is a hunger for this kind of material.

And it’s tax deductible. :)

Aaron Lanterman, Prof. of ECE, Georgia Tech
My blog on Education and Innovation: https://edupocalypsenow.wordpress.com
My blog on Electronics and Programming: https://lantertronics.blogspot.com
My YouTube channel on Electronics and Programming: https://www.youtube.com/c/lantertronics

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