[sdiy] looking for custom transformer service in the US, preferred California

Florian Anwander fanwander at mnet-online.de
Wed Dec 29 14:14:34 CET 2021


I offer on my website custom made transformers for the typical analog 
synth supplies like 15V/15V/5V or so.... I order those in small 
quantities from a local transformer winding service. 

At least once a month I get a request from the US, for such a 
transformer, but each time I have to show them that the shipping costs 
are ridiculously high and/or the duration of the shipping is insanely long.

I think there should be a lot of similar transformer winding services in 
the US. Can anyone of you recommend such a service in the US? Preferably 
in California, but recommendations for other continental states are welcome.


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