[sdiy] Favourite electrolytic cap brand / model?

Mike Bryant mbryant at futurehorizons.com
Tue Dec 21 11:54:47 CET 2021

They do that if you solder them in backwards :-)

But yes, some brands do suffer more early failures.  Indeed for a while HP wouldn't allow aluminium electrolytics to be used at all except in essential applications and then they had to be burnt in for about a week.   But I think that problem seemed to disappear around the early to mid 1990s.

-----Original Message-----
From: Roman Sowa [mailto:modular at go2.pl] 
Sent: 21 December 2021 10:50
To: Mike Bryant
Cc: synth-diy at synth-diy.org
Subject: Re: [sdiy] Favourite electrolytic cap brand / model?

Once I had a switching PSU that needed recapping 5 seconds after first power up.


W dniu 2021-12-21 o 11:29, Mike Bryant pisze:
> The only caps that generally need replacing are in PSUs and that's more due to the stress of being turned on and off more than anything else.
> As for brands, better to buy a known brand but no point in buying 'audio specials'.  They will still both sound and last the same time.

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