[sdiy] Favourite electrolytic cap brand / model?
Mike Bryant
mbryant at futurehorizons.com
Tue Dec 21 11:29:14 CET 2021
Hopefully Douglas Self won't mind me quoting him
"In subjectivist circles it is frequently asserted that electrolytic coupling capacitors (if they are
permitted at all) should be bypassed by small non-electrolytics. There is no sense in this; if the
main coupling capacitor has no signal voltage across it, the extra capacitor can have no effect."
We did a lot of work at Soundcraft on capacitors and there's far more myths than facts. Yes they do slowly dry out especially at very high temperature with voltage applied across them, but if they are rated at 10,000 hours at 105deg C that's over a million hours (> 100 years) at a typical working temperature. Sitting in a bag unused they will never dry out.
The only caps that generally need replacing are in PSUs and that's more due to the stress of being turned on and off more than anything else.
As for brands, better to buy a known brand but no point in buying 'audio specials'. They will still both sound and last the same time.
-----Original Message-----
From: Synth-diy [mailto:synth-diy-bounces at synth-diy.org] On Behalf Of rrsounds via Synth-diy
Sent: 21 December 2021 08:51
To: cheater cheater
Cc: synth-diy
Subject: Re: [sdiy] Favourite electrolytic cap brand / model?
A couple of specs to look for are low internal resistance, and high temperature tolerance. Buying 105°C parts usually ensures high quality and long service life.
For audio coupling in products I have built, I have used an electrolytic paralleled with a polypropylene cap.
David Reaves
> On Dec 21, 2021, at 3:51 , cheater cheater via Synth-diy <synth-diy at synth-diy.org> wrote:
> I'm looking to buy a bunch of electrolytic caps just to have some
> values around. I'm looking for small to medium sizes, for audio work
> and basic supply filtering (so up to, say, 30V?). Size isn't
> important, this is just for messing around, but I'd like them to be
> high quality, good for audio, and not dry out / drift after being
> stored for 10 years, and not corrode. I don't want to buy typical "run
> of the mill" since they usually end up being bad in one of a few ways.
> I'd appreciate suggestions. Note I'm looking for electrolytic caps
> only at this time, not polystyrene etc.
> Thanks!
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