[sdiy] DIY mixer/console

Richie Burnett rburnett at richieburnett.co.uk
Wed Dec 1 14:51:45 CET 2021

> Gagh! Brave man! That sounds like a mighty project.

In terms of electronics design it wasn't very challenging.  It just ended up 
being a relentless job of soldering and drilling holes in the panel for 

> The *first* thing I would do if I even considered taking on such a task 
> would be to design a nice channel strip PCB with all the pots down one 
> edge so that I had zero wiring to do!

Yeah, I totally agree.  But I was only about 19 when I started it.  I had no 
idea how to make a PCB back then, or any money to pay for the Photo-plot 
tooling.  I did however, have lots of wire, veroboard and a track cutter ! 


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