February 2020 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Feb 2 17:19:12 CET 2020
Ending: Sat Feb 29 10:22:08 CET 2020
Messages: 352
- [sdiy] Why is Linear FM usually (always?) AC Coupled?
Frédéric (Opensource)
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Adam Inglis (sdiy)
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Adam Inglis (sdiy)
- [sdiy] How to get any TET from your Deepmind12
Adam Inglis (sdiy)
- [sdiy] power supply for casio CZ1000
Adam Inglis (sdiy)
- [sdiy] MonoPoly SSM2033 Insanity
Adam Inglis (sdiy)
- [sdiy] Casio CZ1000 become quiet as keys are pressed
Adam Inglis (sdiy)
- [sdiy] MIDI and ESD protection
- [sdiy] LFSR using lookup tables
- [sdiy] Fantasia patch for DX11/TX81Z/V50
John Ames
- [sdiy] Fantasia patch for DX11/TX81Z/V50
John Ames
- [sdiy] Fantasia patch for DX11/TX81Z/V50
John Ames
- [sdiy] Fantasia patch for DX11/TX81Z/V50
John Ames
- [sdiy] LFSR using lookup tables
John Ames
- [sdiy] LFSR using lookup tables
John Ames
- [sdiy] LFSR using lookup tables
John Ames
- [sdiy] LFSR using lookup tables
John Ames
- [sdiy] Casio CZ1000 become quiet as keys are pressed
Florian Anwander
- [sdiy] Reasonable cap replacement policy
Kenny Balys
- [sdiy] XLR to 1/4 inch
Kenny Balys
- [sdiy] Why is Linear FM usually (always?) AC Coupled?
Bernard Arthur Hutchins, Jr
- [sdiy] power supply for casio CZ1000
Ben Bradley
- [sdiy] Program with C code comments in Chinese.. need traductions...
Monty Brandenberg
- [sdiy] New Moog module photos
Dave Brown
- [sdiy] Reasonable cap replacement policy
Tom Bugs
- [sdiy] XLR to 1/4 inch
Tom Bugs
- [sdiy] XLR to 1/4 inch
Tom Bugs
- [sdiy] Wonder plugs?
Tom Bugs
- [sdiy] Wonder plugs?
Tom Bugs
- [sdiy] MIDI and ESD protection
Richie Burnett
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
Richie Burnett
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Richie Burnett
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
Richie Burnett
- [sdiy] blowing fuses
Richie Burnett
- [sdiy] blowing fuses
Richie Burnett
- [sdiy] blowing fuses
Richie Burnett
- [sdiy] Mind boggling...
Richie Burnett
- [sdiy] Mellotron teardown
Paul Burns
- [sdiy] eurorack power cables
Paul Burns
- [sdiy] Reasonable cap replacement policy
Michael E Caloroso
- [sdiy] Electronotes question?
Michael E Caloroso
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
Michael E Caloroso
- [sdiy] New Moog module photos
Michael E Caloroso
- [sdiy] AD822 datasheet?
Michael E Caloroso
- [sdiy] AD822 datasheet?
Michael E Caloroso
- [sdiy] Difference between early and late revisions of the CEM3340?
Michael E Caloroso
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
- [sdiy] blowing fuses
- [sdiy] blowing fuses
- [sdiy] blowing fuses
- [sdiy] blowing fuses
- [sdiy] blowing fuses
- [sdiy] blowing fuses
- [sdiy] blowing fuses
- [sdiy] How to get any TET from your Deepmind12
- [sdiy] How to get any TET from your Deepmind12
- [sdiy] How to get any TET from your Deepmind12
- [sdiy] XLR to 1/4 inch
- [sdiy] eurorack power cables
- [sdiy] eurorack power cables
- [sdiy] eurorack power cables
- [sdiy] eurorack power cables
- [sdiy] eurorack power cables
- [sdiy] Suggestions for oscillator coarse control methods?
- [sdiy] eurorack power cables
Dan Curriden
- [sdiy] Flangelicious noises - some queries about NCO jitter and resampling and similar
Magnus Danielson
- [sdiy] Flangelicious noises - some queries about NCO jitter and resampling and similar
Magnus Danielson
- [sdiy] Flangelicious noises - some queries about NCO jitter and resampling and similar
Magnus Danielson
- [sdiy] LFSR using lookup tables
Magnus Danielson
- [sdiy] LFSR using lookup tables
Magnus Danielson
- [sdiy] MIDI and ESD protection
Ingo Debus
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
Ingo Debus
- [sdiy] Fantasia patch for DX11/TX81Z/V50
Ingo Debus
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
Ingo Debus
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
Ingo Debus
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
Jean-Pierre Desrochers
- [sdiy] Program with C code comments in Chinese.. need traductions... SOLVED !
Jean-Pierre Desrochers
- [sdiy] My new synth module.. Very Straightforward but.. I'm proud of it !
Jean-Pierre Desrochers
- [sdiy] Need service manual for CASIO PX-410R (PX-575R)
Jean-Pierre Desrochers
- [sdiy] Need service manual for CASIO PX-410R (PX-575R)
Jean-Pierre Desrochers
- [sdiy] Electronotes question?
Dylan Distasio
- [sdiy] Why is Linear FM usually (always?) AC Coupled?
David G Dixon
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
David G Dixon
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
David G Dixon
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
David G Dixon
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
David G Dixon
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
David G Dixon
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
David G Dixon
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
David G Dixon
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
David G Dixon
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
David G Dixon
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
David G Dixon
- [sdiy] Mind boggling...
David G Dixon
- [sdiy] CS-80 Ring Modulator
David G Dixon
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Erik Dower
- [sdiy] power supply for casio CZ1000
Joe Frey
- [sdiy] Casio CZ1000 become quiet as keys are pressed
Joe Frey
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Ian Fritz
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Ian Fritz
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
Ian Fritz
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
Ian Fritz
- [sdiy] How to get any TET from your Deepmind12
Ian Fritz
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
Ian Fritz
- [sdiy] How to get any TET from your Deepmind12
Ian Fritz
- [sdiy] How to get any TET from your Deepmind12
Ian Fritz
- [sdiy] AD822 datasheet?
Phillip Gallo
- [sdiy] Reasonable cap replacement policy
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
Phillip Harbison
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
Phillip Harbison
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
Phillip L Harbison
- [sdiy] MIDI and ESD protection
Neil Harper
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Neil Harper
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
- [sdiy] Why is Linear FM usually (always?) AC Coupled?
Pete Hartman
- [sdiy] Reasonable cap replacement policy
Pete Hartman
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
Pete Hartman
- [sdiy] Reasonable cap replacement policy
Pete Hartman
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Pete Hartman
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
Pete Hartman
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
Pete Hartman
- [sdiy] eurorack power cables
Pete Hartman
- [sdiy] MIDI and ESD protection
Neil Johnson
- [sdiy] MIDI and ESD protection
Neil Johnson
- [sdiy] blowing fuses
Neil Johnson
- [sdiy] blowing fuses
Neil Johnson
- [sdiy] MonoPoly SSM2033 Insanity
Neil Johnson
- [sdiy] MonoPoly SSM2033 Insanity
Neil Johnson
- [sdiy] Mind boggling...
Neil Johnson
- [sdiy] MIDI and ESD protection
- [sdiy] MIDI and ESD protection
- [sdiy] MIDI and ESD protection
- [sdiy] MIDI and ESD protection
- [sdiy] MIDI 2.0
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
Kylee Kennedy
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
Kylee Kennedy
- [sdiy] How to get any TET from your Deepmind12
Kylee Kennedy
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
Vesa Lahteenmaki
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
Oren Leavitt
- [sdiy] My new synth module.. Very Straightforward but.. I'm proud of it !
Oren Leavitt
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
Oren Leavitt
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
Oren Leavitt
- [sdiy] MIDI and ESD protection
Steve Lenham
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Didier Leplae
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Didier Leplae
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Didier Leplae
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Didier Leplae
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Didier Leplae
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Didier Leplae
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Didier Leplae
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Didier Leplae
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Didier Leplae
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Didier Leplae
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Didier Leplae
- [sdiy] How to get any TET from your Deepmind12
Didier Leplae
- [sdiy] Korg 2600 FS build quality
Jonathan Lippard
- [sdiy] Reasonable cap replacement policy
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
- [sdiy] blowing fuses
- [sdiy] eurorack power cables
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture Part II
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
Didrik Madheden
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
Didrik Madheden
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
Didrik Madheden
- [sdiy] XLR to 1/4 inch
Dave Magnuson
- [sdiy] Selecting a rotary encoder, transistions per detent?
Spiros Makris
- [sdiy] Selecting a rotary encoder, transistions per detent?
Spiros Makris
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Spiros Makris
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
Guy McCusker
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
Guy McCusker
- [sdiy] How to get any TET from your Deepmind12
Chris McDowell
- [sdiy] eurorack power cables
Chris McDowell
- [sdiy] eurorack power cables
Chris McDowell
- [sdiy] eurorack power cables
Chris McDowell
- [sdiy] eurorack power cables
Chris McDowell
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Youssef Menebhi
- [sdiy] blowing fuses
Veronica Merryfield
- [sdiy] Korg 2600 FS build quality
David Messenger
- [sdiy] Reasonable cap replacement policy
Jimmy Moore
- [sdiy] Reasonable cap replacement policy
Jimmy Moore
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
Jimmy Moore
- [sdiy] [OT] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
Jimmy Moore
- [sdiy] eurorack power cables
Jimmy Moore
- [sdiy] Why is Linear FM usually (always?) AC Coupled?
Quincas Moreira
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Quincas Moreira
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Quincas Moreira
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Quincas Moreira
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
Quincas Moreira
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
Quincas Moreira
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
Quincas Moreira
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
Quincas Moreira
- [sdiy] XLR to 1/4 inch
Quincas Moreira
- [sdiy] XLR to 1/4 inch
Quincas Moreira
- [sdiy] XLR to 1/4 inch
Quincas Moreira
- [sdiy] XLR to 1/4 inch
Quincas Moreira
- [sdiy] MonoPoly SSM2033 Insanity
Randel Osborne
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Matti Palm
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
Vladimir Pantelic
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
Chromatest J. Pantsmaker
- [sdiy] XLR to 1/4 inch
Chromatest J. Pantsmaker
- [sdiy] MIDI and ESD protection
Ullrich Peter
- [sdiy] MIDI and ESD protection
Ullrich Peter
- [sdiy] MIDI and ESD protection
Ullrich Peter
- [sdiy] Selecting a rotary encoder, transistions per detent?
Ullrich Peter
- [sdiy] Need service manual for CASIO PX-410R (PX-575R)
Ullrich Peter
- [sdiy] Need service manual for CASIO PX-410R (PX-575R)
Ullrich Peter
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
Jason Proctor
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
Shawn Rakestraw
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
Shawn Rakestraw
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
Shawn Rakestraw
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
Shawn Rakestraw
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
Shawn Rakestraw
- [sdiy] Selecting a rotary encoder, transistions per detent?
Shawn Rakestraw
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
Shawn Rakestraw
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
Shawn Rakestraw
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
Shawn Rakestraw
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture Part II
Shawn Rakestraw
- [sdiy] Why is Linear FM usually (always?) AC Coupled?
Mattias Rickardsson
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
Mattias Rickardsson
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
Mattias Rickardsson
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
Mattias Rickardsson
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
Mattias Rickardsson
- [sdiy] CS-80 Ring Modulator
Mattias Rickardsson
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
Ben Riggs
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
Ben Riggs
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
Daniel Roberts
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
René Schmitz
- [sdiy] Fantasia patch for DX11/TX81Z/V50
Edward Schultheis
- [sdiy] Selecting a rotary encoder, transistions per detent?
Jay Schwichtenberg
- [sdiy] Selecting a rotary encoder, transistions per detent?
Jay Schwichtenberg
- [sdiy] Selecting a rotary encoder, transistions per detent?
Jay Schwichtenberg
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
Jay Schwichtenberg
- [sdiy] LFSR using lookup tables
Jay Schwichtenberg
- [sdiy] Program with C code comments in Chinese.. need traductions...
John P Shea
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
John P Shea
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
John P Shea
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
John P Shea
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
John P Shea
- [sdiy] M3-threaded PCB mounts with solder tails?
John P Shea
- [sdiy] eurorack power cables
John P Shea
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
- [sdiy] eurorack power cables
- [sdiy] Wonder plugs?
- [sdiy] CS-80 Ring Modulator
Terry Shultz
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
Oakley Sound
- [sdiy] Difference between early and late revisions of the CEM3340?
Oakley Sound
- [sdiy] Difference between early and late revisions of the CEM3340?
Oakley Sound
- [sdiy] Reasonable cap replacement policy
John Speth
- [sdiy] Mellotron teardown
John Speth
- [sdiy] LFSR using lookup tables
John Speth
- [sdiy] XLR to 1/4 inch
John Speth
- [sdiy] XLR to 1/4 inch
John Speth
- [sdiy] Fantasia patch for DX11/TX81Z/V50
Ben Stuyts
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
Ben Stuyts
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
Ben Stuyts
- [sdiy] Korg 2600 FS build quality
Ben Stuyts
- [sdiy] Korg 2600 FS build quality
Ben Stuyts
- [sdiy] [AH] Looking for Oregon-based synth monk
Ben Stuyts
- [sdiy] LFSR using lookup tables
Ben Stuyts
- [sdiy] LFSR using lookup tables
Ben Stuyts
- [sdiy] LFSR using lookup tables
Ben Stuyts
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
Ben Stuyts
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
Sarah Thompson
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
Sarah Thompson
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
Sarah Thompson
- [sdiy] [AH] Looking for Oregon-based synth monk
Sarah Thompson
- [sdiy] blowing fuses
Sarah Thompson
- [sdiy] Mellotron teardown
Donald Tillman
- [sdiy] Fantasia patch for DX11/TX81Z/V50
Joan Touzet
- [sdiy] Fantasia patch for DX11/TX81Z/V50
Joan Touzet
- [sdiy] Reasonable cap replacement policy
Nathan Trites
- [sdiy] MIDI hardware platform with both classic and USB-MIDI?
Rutger Vlek
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Jacob Watters
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Jacob Watters
- [sdiy] Selecting a rotary encoder, transistions per detent?
Brian Willoughby
- [sdiy] Looking for Oregon-based synth monk
Brian Willoughby
- [sdiy] MIDI and ESD protection
Tom Wiltshire
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Tom Wiltshire
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Tom Wiltshire
- [sdiy] Selecting a rotary encoder, transistions per detent?
Tom Wiltshire
- [sdiy] Flangelicious noises - some queries about NCO jitter and resampling and similar
Tom Wiltshire
- [sdiy] Flangelicious noises - some queries about NCO jitter and resampling and similar
Tom Wiltshire
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
Tom Wiltshire
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
Tom Wiltshire
- [sdiy] LFSR using lookup tables
Tom Wiltshire
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
Tom Wiltshire
- [sdiy] Difference between early and late revisions of the CEM3340?
Tom Wiltshire
- [sdiy] Fantasia patch for DX11/TX81Z/V50
Scott Young
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
Michael Zacherl
- [sdiy] MonoPoly SSM2033 Insanity
Michael Zacherl
- [sdiy] Program with C code comments in Chinese.. need traductions... SOLVED !
Alan Zhu
- [sdiy] Reasonable cap replacement policy
synthdiy at adambaby.com
- [sdiy] Korg 2600 FS build quality
- [sdiy] Korg 2600 FS build quality
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
eidorian at aladan.net
- [sdiy] Why is Linear FM usually (always?) AC Coupled?
mskala at ansuz.sooke.bc.ca
- [sdiy] Why is Linear FM usually (always?) AC Coupled?
mskala at ansuz.sooke.bc.ca
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
mskala at ansuz.sooke.bc.ca
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
mskala at ansuz.sooke.bc.ca
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
mskala at ansuz.sooke.bc.ca
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
mskala at ansuz.sooke.bc.ca
- [sdiy] MIDI and ESD protection
rsdio at audiobanshee.com
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
rsdio at audiobanshee.com
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
rsdio at audiobanshee.com
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
rsdio at audiobanshee.com
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
rsdio at audiobanshee.com
- [sdiy] Selecting a rotary encoder, transistions per detent?
rsdio at audiobanshee.com
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
rsdio at audiobanshee.com
- [sdiy] Selecting a rotary encoder, transistions per detent?
rsdio at audiobanshee.com
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
rsdio at audiobanshee.com
- [sdiy] M3-threaded PCB mounts with solder tails?
rsdio at audiobanshee.com
- [sdiy] M3-threaded PCB mounts with solder tails?
rsdio at audiobanshee.com
- [sdiy] eurorack power cables
rsdio at audiobanshee.com
- [sdiy] AD822 datasheet?
rsdio at audiobanshee.com
- [sdiy] AD822 datasheet?
rsdio at audiobanshee.com
- [sdiy] Why is Linear FM usually (always?) AC Coupled?
- [sdiy] Electronotes question?
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
kenny at beatkamp.com
- [sdiy] New Moog module photos
henry birdseye
- [sdiy] Wonder plugs?
- [sdiy] Looking for Oregon-based synth monk
axisair at comcast.net
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
ackolonges fds
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
ackolonges fds
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
ackolonges fds
- [sdiy] Difference between early and late revisions of the CEM3340? -- P600, OBXa
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
sleepy_dog at gmx.de
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
sleepy_dog at gmx.de
- [sdiy] LFSR using lookup tables
sleepy_dog at gmx.de
- [sdiy] LM13700 as VC resistor
music.maker at gte.net
- [sdiy] 45 vs. 90 degree pcb traces
music.maker at gte.net
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
ulfur hansson
- [sdiy] [FS]TEMPCOs (thru hole)
pata at ieee.org
- [sdiy] Electronotes question?
nerv myoho
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
john slee
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
john slee
- [sdiy] Looking for Oregon-based synth monk
john slee
- [sdiy] MonoPoly SSM2033 Insanity
john slee
- [sdiy] My new synth module.. Very Straightforward but.. I'm proud of it !
paula at synth.net
- [sdiy] [AH] Looking for Oregon-based synth monk
info synthcube.com
- [sdiy] eurorack power cables
info synthcube.com
- [sdiy] eurorack power cables
info synthcube.com
- [sdiy] Why is Linear FM usually (always?) AC Coupled?
mark verbos
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
mark verbos
- [sdiy] PCB / Panel Manufacture
mark verbos
- [sdiy] LFO VC Skew?
mark verbos
- [sdiy] MonoPoly SSM2033 Insanity
mark verbos
- [sdiy] I K Precision Resistor Tempcos
gino wong
Last message date:
Sat Feb 29 10:22:08 CET 2020
Archived on: Fri Apr 1 13:41:59 CEST 2022
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).