[sdiy] Programming Language Recommendation

Shawn Rakestraw shawnrakestraw at gmail.com
Tue Dec 8 00:31:17 CET 2020

I just want to say thanks to all of you again. There have been many
comments both directly toward my original question and some that are a
little off topic, but it's all relevant. I think the one thing that is
clear now, and I should have seen this coming but didn't somehow,
programmers are very passionate about their choice of languages and willing
to tell everyone why that is their choice. The one common theme that I see
is that C is a very good tried and proven choice.

On Mon, Dec 7, 2020 at 6:04 PM Tony Sidaway <tonysidaway at gmail.com> wrote:

> "and the [C] language has been cast in
> stone since the 1980s."
> I do agree that it's good to have a well defined virtual architecture to
> build upon. C is often the keystone of one of those. C is, though, a very
> low level language. It isn't necessary to encumber oneself with the
> subtleties of C. Most of the modern musical composition languages, Max,
> SuperCollider, Pure Data, and so on, will take care of the translation.
> If you're saying we should use C for music software it's a bit like saying
> we should use binary code because the computer can only execute binary
> instruction code. All of C eventually compiles to binary so if we're making
> music why would we use C instead of binary code? In fact, what is important
> is the level of abstraction. C is (or rather, can be) better than machine
> code because it gives us a way to abstract the petty details of getting a
> particular machine architecture to perform the task. Higher level languages
> are (or rather can be) better than C because it gives us a way to abstract
> petty details pertaining to a higher domain of thought.
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