[sdiy] Programming Language Recommendation

Jason Proctor jason at redfish.net
Fri Dec 4 19:25:48 CET 2020

Emilie (not Emile, oops, sorry) is an expert at organising her projects.
Admittedly I've been dealing with code for a long time, but I found the
Braids code base straightforward to navigate.

Seriously, if you're at the level where you are asking about C pointer and
address operator syntax, then I would advise starting with a Euroduino.

On Fri, Dec 4, 2020 at 10:13 AM Shawn Rakestraw <shawnrakestraw at gmail.com>

> Jason, that's a good point about Braids. I have 5 of them....lol
> Now I feel like I should explain that. I have 1 real one and I built 4
> Antumbra Knots, in part to try them as 4 voice polyphonic oscillators with
> an expert sleepers ES-3.
> I could easily try that out. I will admit though that the code for Braids
> is so complicated that I don't know where to begin.
> On Fri, Dec 4, 2020 at 1:04 PM Jason Proctor <jason at redfish.net> wrote:
>> This. The Arduino is perfectly capable of doing CV based stuff - and a
>> vanilla one could send MIDI fast enough to crash my MIDI interface.
>> I built a 5U shell around an Arduino with MIDI and CV ins and outs
>> (proper DAC etc) and it was my Swiss army knife for MIDI and CV processing
>> (sometimes at the same time). I was hoping to build a standard sw/hw
>> platform with a community development of sketches etc, but then the
>> Euroduino came along.
>> If you're just getting started in doing this, don't really know C yet,
>> and have a Euro case, I would advise finding a Euroduino and exhausting its
>> possibilities before jumping in the deep end with STM32. It's quite a
>> forgiving environment.
>> Another shallow curve option would be buying a Braids and selectively
>> modifying Emile's firmware.
>> On Fri, Dec 4, 2020 at 9:55 AM Spiros Makris <spirosmakris92 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> STM32 has its own libraries (nicknamed "HAL" - hardware abstraction
>>> layer) which in many ways feels like an arduino; of course the names of the
>>> functions and the structure of the whole thing is different, but the goal
>>> is similar.
>>> The controllers you're probably interested in all use C/C++ so as far as
>>> languages go, that's the most obvious (and reasonable) choice. C can be
>>> confusing but I think most of it should be within reach for anyone with a
>>> programming affinity.
>>> Don't get into the library trap that many Arduino developers seem to
>>> fall. They are nice to kickstart a project and give you an idea of how
>>> things work but don't be fooled into thinking that you can postpone
>>> learning the "deeper" stuff forever. Hopefully, all the stuff you need will
>>> be out there, maintained and working well; that has rarely been the case
>>> for me, there's always something missing and you have to fill in the blanks.
>>> Try not to think of embedded C like you would a high-level scripting
>>> language like python. You are not commanding obscure black boxes around and
>>> some manager just figures it out - you need to be conscious of what you are
>>> asking the system to do and very specific as to how it will be done.
>>> Abstraction, objects and other such features help you manage this
>>> complexity, but it will always be there to an extend.
>>> Arduino (atmega328p basically) is perfectly capable of doing lots of
>>> stuff.  It certainly can't do DSP, but that's only a small part of what
>>> digital modules do inside our synths. Unless you really are shooting for
>>> sound processing or generation chances are an Arduino nano will do just
>>> fine.
>>> Spiros
>>> On Thu, Dec 3, 2020 at 4:49 AM Shawn Rakestraw <shawnrakestraw at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Please don't go into extreme detail (unless you really want to). I ask
>>>> too many simple questions and I feel bad that everyone spends great amounts
>>>> of time with it.
>>>> I am thinking about programming ARM chips like the STM32 for something
>>>> like Braids. I know that I will not be making my own Braids module anytime
>>>> soon, but I would like to start thinking about the language I need to
>>>> learn. I know the most about C++. I also realize that my question may be
>>>> better asked as what libraries should I load / study up on.
>>>> Thanks guys/gals
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