[sdiy] Programming Language Recommendation

Jason Proctor jason at redfish.net
Fri Dec 4 19:03:59 CET 2020

This. The Arduino is perfectly capable of doing CV based stuff - and a
vanilla one could send MIDI fast enough to crash my MIDI interface.

I built a 5U shell around an Arduino with MIDI and CV ins and outs (proper
DAC etc) and it was my Swiss army knife for MIDI and CV processing
(sometimes at the same time). I was hoping to build a standard sw/hw
platform with a community development of sketches etc, but then the
Euroduino came along.

If you're just getting started in doing this, don't really know C yet, and
have a Euro case, I would advise finding a Euroduino and exhausting its
possibilities before jumping in the deep end with STM32. It's quite a
forgiving environment.

Another shallow curve option would be buying a Braids and selectively
modifying Emile's firmware.

On Fri, Dec 4, 2020 at 9:55 AM Spiros Makris <spirosmakris92 at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> STM32 has its own libraries (nicknamed "HAL" - hardware abstraction layer)
> which in many ways feels like an arduino; of course the names of the
> functions and the structure of the whole thing is different, but the goal
> is similar.
> The controllers you're probably interested in all use C/C++ so as far as
> languages go, that's the most obvious (and reasonable) choice. C can be
> confusing but I think most of it should be within reach for anyone with a
> programming affinity.
> Don't get into the library trap that many Arduino developers seem to fall.
> They are nice to kickstart a project and give you an idea of how things
> work but don't be fooled into thinking that you can postpone learning the
> "deeper" stuff forever. Hopefully, all the stuff you need will be out
> there, maintained and working well; that has rarely been the case for me,
> there's always something missing and you have to fill in the blanks.
> Try not to think of embedded C like you would a high-level scripting
> language like python. You are not commanding obscure black boxes around and
> some manager just figures it out - you need to be conscious of what you are
> asking the system to do and very specific as to how it will be done.
> Abstraction, objects and other such features help you manage this
> complexity, but it will always be there to an extend.
> Arduino (atmega328p basically) is perfectly capable of doing lots of
> stuff.  It certainly can't do DSP, but that's only a small part of what
> digital modules do inside our synths. Unless you really are shooting for
> sound processing or generation chances are an Arduino nano will do just
> fine.
> Spiros
> On Thu, Dec 3, 2020 at 4:49 AM Shawn Rakestraw <shawnrakestraw at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Please don't go into extreme detail (unless you really want to). I ask
>> too many simple questions and I feel bad that everyone spends great amounts
>> of time with it.
>> I am thinking about programming ARM chips like the STM32 for something
>> like Braids. I know that I will not be making my own Braids module anytime
>> soon, but I would like to start thinking about the language I need to
>> learn. I know the most about C++. I also realize that my question may be
>> better asked as what libraries should I load / study up on.
>> Thanks guys/gals
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