[sdiy] CEM3340 question -- interpolating scanners (again)

Richie Burnett rburnett at richieburnett.co.uk
Fri Dec 4 17:52:16 CET 2020

That recording is the soundtrack to nightmares!  (>.<)


-----Original Message----- 
From: Tom Wiltshire
Sent: Friday, December 4, 2020 11:13 AM
To: Bernard Arthur Hutchins, Jr
Cc: synth-diy at synth-diy.org
Subject: Re: [sdiy] CEM3340 question -- interpolating scanners (again)

This idea appears in John Bowen’s Solaris synth as the “rotors”. That’s a 
digital synth, so there’s no hardware crossfader, just 96KHz processing.


There’s a sound example too:



On 4 Dec 2020, at 03:28, Bernard Arthur Hutchins, Jr <bah13 at cornell.edu> 

David –

In your video of your scanner you seem to be scanning at a sub-audio rate 
exclusively (?).  Thus your output is a sequence of notes (short tunes) with 
each pitched note having several-to-many cycles.

Have you tried scanning at an audio rate?  Specifically, what if each 
channel was a different waveform from the same VCO and   the scan rate were 
at an audio rate (perhaps 8 times higher than the VCO PLUS, say, 1 Hz)? 
Each VCO waveform would be visited slightly faster than once per cycle in an 
evolving manner.  Wouldn’t this produce an “animated” output perhaps similar 
to my “Tone Wheel Animator”?


Thanks   -Bernie
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