[sdiy] Prophet 5 memory problem

tprivitera at nc.rr.com tprivitera at nc.rr.com
Sun Aug 12 19:16:48 CEST 2018


I’ve got a Prophet 5 Rev 3.0 that has been super reliable for years, but last week a strange thing happened.  I had turned it on and was playing for a while and all my presets sounded fine, walked away and came back to it after 20 min (never turned it off) and about ¾ of the presents were a little corrupted.  Strange changes to envelopes, resonance level changed, small amounts of noise added in most patches, etc..  These changes were permanent (multiple power cycles).

I’ve tried to fix them and save the changes.  Some changes save and some don’t. Ex: I turn the noise knob back to zero, confirm it’s gone, save the patch, change to another patch and come back and the noise is back.  But, I made some envelope and filter changes to another patch and they saved.  These changes that saved do survive a power cycle.  It may be just the slight amount of white noise that keeps coming back, I’ve not checked every other parameter I could possibly change.

Any ideas?  Memory chip going bad?  Maybe the battery?  Something different entirely?

Appreciate it,

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