[sdiy] Solved: Crumar Performer - keyboard mystery

Andre Majorel aym-htnys at teaser.fr
Fri Aug 10 13:18:14 CEST 2018

On 2018-08-04 17:24 +0200, Florian Anwander wrote:

> The problem was caused by a too high voltage on the keyboard
> bus, which again was caused from the "Crescendo"-circuit,
> which has a trimmer for offset. This trimmer is soldered on
> the soldering side of the pcb and should get its ground from a
> line on the component side of the pcb. Appearently the
> connection on the not easily accesible parts side was missing,
> so I connected the visible side of the solderpoint with a wire
> to ground and now everything is fine!

Never would have guessed. Thanks for telling us the end of the

André Majorel http://www.teaser.fr/~amajorel/

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