[sdiy] Parts going out of module panel

Julian elfenjunge at gmx.net
Mon Apr 30 07:54:56 CEST 2018

Am 29.04.2018 um 23:33 schrieb Bartek Osiński:
> Dear all,
> I'm doing my first eurorack module for training purposes and I'd like 
> it to be a single PCB mounted to panel. The problem I have is that 
> distributors like Mouser, Farnell or TME seem to be lacking vertical 
> mono mini jack connectors. Only Mouser has stuff like
> ACJM-MV35-2, but I'm guessing having panel 24mm above PCB level is too 
> tall.

24mm is too tall. Most people use 10mm.
Vertical jacks are available from thonk.co.uk (EU) or synthcube (us) 
besides other SDIY shops.
> So my question is - what are your favourite places where you buy pots, 
> encoders, jack connectors, knobs and other stuff destined to be 
> interfaced outside panel?
the normal distributors you already mentioned. mouser, digikey, tme etc.
> Oh, and extra one - how do you know which knobs can you match with 
> which pots? Can there be pots on which you can't put a knob?
there are knobs for (nearly) all pots. It depends on the shaft type. 
most common is D-shaft and knurled.
thonk has a lot of knobs, too.

here is an example BOM for one of my modules

> Cheers,
> Bartek
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