[sdiy] New to sdiy but w/ some knowledge

Tom Wiltshire tom at electricdruid.net
Sat May 27 22:59:50 CEST 2017

On 27 May 2017, at 20:22, sleepy_dog at gmx.de wrote:

> Am 27.05.2017 um 18:04 schrieb Tom Wiltshire:
>> they could drive that harder too! Some people just want everything on 11.
> Of course! It's louder!
> Might booster pedals not make things noisier overall than having damn loud pickups in the first place?
> Perhaps even nosier than active pickups, with the preamps close to the sources.
> Noise is especially bad with very high gain sounds, I guess.
> Steve

Of course! Louder is better! And I've just finished building an amp that goes to 12!!

Yeah, in general, I'd have thought it makes sense to have as much "signal" as you can to improve your ratio to the noise picked up further down the chain. So louder pickups would be better, especially if you're going to have a ton of gain and boost whatever background noise you've got  by +80dB.

The downside would be if that made them a lot more sensitive to hum and other forms of noise from the actual guitar.


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