[sdiy] New to sdiy but w/ some knowledge

Tom Wiltshire tom at electricdruid.net
Sat May 27 18:04:29 CEST 2017

On 27 May 2017, at 12:06, Andre Majorel <aym-htnys at teaser.fr> wrote:

> The output amplitude of electric guitars and basses covers a
> very wide range. At one extreme, softly picking the high string
> of a guitar with single-coil pickups might give you millivolts.
> At the other, the output of a bass can exceed +/-1 V when
> playing hard on the low string. So gain is good to have but it
> better be adjustable.

+1 Agree. Guitars are *extremely* variable in output.

I had someone contact me about distortion in my digidelay pedal. It turned out the guitar was fitted with "hotrod" humbucker pickups that were able to give enough output to overdrive a 3Vpp input. Such pickups are apparently popular with metal guitarists, since they allow you to drive the front end of your guitar amp harder and produce more preamp distortion. Of course, you could use a booster pedal, but then they'd *still* want hot pickups so they could drive that harder too! Some people just want everything on 11.


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