[sdiy] SMT tutorials - pros and cons of SMT in DIY

AlanP alan.p at orcon.net.nz
Thu May 25 19:36:40 CEST 2017

On 25/05/2017 9:42 p.m., sleepy_dog at gmx.de wrote:
> btw, for those shying away from SMT so far,
> I liked eevblog's tutorials when I started with that: (like vid #3 and
> later in that list)

My first SMD board was a simple, 3 transistor fuzz pedal. Laid out and 
kitted by someone else.

I honestly found the hardest part to be identifying which of the 3 
transistors were the NPN and PNP ones -- the guy had just taped all of 
them to a piece of paper. Wound up calling my brother to eyeball them, 
and then buying a magnifying glass the next day.

They weren't hard to *solder*, mind you, just to identify.

> Steve

Alan Podjursky
"When in doubt, use brute force." -- Ken Thompson

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