[sdiy] wireless patching

Quincas Moreira quincas at gmail.com
Thu May 25 01:13:43 CEST 2017

Hey friends!
If you were to design a fast and precise wireless transmission and
reception system for eurorack, how would you doi it? Synth 1 > ADC > uP >
Bluetooth > uP > DAC > synth 2 ?  Or is there a simple analog way to do it
with RF?

I mainly want to send control signals, but as we know, those can be up in
the audio frequencies or higher!

The idea is to have like, 4 systems set up on 4 corners of a room and
inter-patch them without stretching long cables all over the place. I think
8 sends and 8 receives on each remote patch box would suffice, and some
system to match sends to receives.

Quincas Moreira
Test Pilot at VBrazil Modular
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