[sdiy] Happenin' new opamp

Michael Zacherl sdiy-mz01 at blauwurf.info
Wed May 24 08:49:13 CEST 2017

On 24.May 2017, at 0:54 , rsdio at audiobanshee.com wrote:

> I don't know whether I can find the citation now, but I remember reading that through-hole chips actually have more problems than SMT. The reason given is that the through-holes themselves introduce inductance that affects the performance of the circuit. SMT chips suffer from stray capacitance, but only if there is a power plane directly under the SMT pads. You can avoid the unintended capacitance in SMT designs by voiding the power plane under the pads; in contrast, there is no way to avoid the unintended inductance of through-hole designs because those pins have to go through the PCB.
> I seem to recall someone mentioning non-plated holes and soldering both sides of through-hole parts - component side and solder side - in order to avoid the inductance, but that is not a design-for-manufacturing technique that average folks can afford (it effectively requires manual soldering)

sounds more like a HF-problem, no? 
And, what about using sockets? That would take performance to the worse?

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