[sdiy] Tsunami Super WAV Trigger Users (Specifically MIDI)

Quincas Moreira quincas at gmail.com
Sun May 21 23:21:23 CEST 2017

yes that is correct. Pitch shifting in the Tsunami only happens all
together, with the pitch wheel implementation, or via serial control. This
is actually the best sounding method. Sample each note individually rather
than pitch shifting, even if it's (quite a bit) more work

On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 2:24 PM, Scott Gravenhorst <music.maker at gte.net>

> Hi all,
> I'm looking at the user guide of the Tsunami reading about how MIDI works.
>  What I'm getting is that the file names define what track the file plays
> on.  MIDI note number selects a track.  From this, I assume that If I want
> a full implementation of 128 different pitches, I need to store 128 .wav
> files for that sound onto the microSD card.  That would mean either
> sampling each .wav individually or sampling once and then pitch shifting
> (with something like audacity).  Or I could create .wav file
> programmatically.  Either way, for a full implementation of pitches, I need
> 128 properly pitched files (or whatever number I will actually use).
> Is this correct?
> -- ScottG
> ________________________________________________________________________
> -- Scott Gravenhorst
> -- http://scott.joviansynth.com/
> -- When the going gets tough, the tough use the command line.
> -- Matt 21:22
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Quincas Moreira
Test Pilot at VBrazil Modular
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