[sdiy] Schematics Software

Gordonjcp gordonjcp at gjcp.net
Sat May 20 15:59:57 CEST 2017

On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 02:26:54PM -0500, Pete Hartman wrote:
> Some people take exception to the fact that the kicad schematics use a
> rectangle instead of a zig zag for resistors.

You could just draw your own zigzag resistors if you cared enough.

> That said, it's what I use, and what I would suggest as well, though I
> don't know that I see it having any great advantage over Eagle or DipTrace
> in my experience.

It's Free as in Speech, as well as free as in beer.  Your files are not locked in some proprietary format.

Gordonjcp MM0YEQ

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