[sdiy] Ring Mod (was Re: Hadamard Transform Network)
mskala at ansuz.sooke.bc.ca
mskala at ansuz.sooke.bc.ca
Fri May 19 14:49:07 CEST 2017
On Fri, 19 May 2017, Paul Perry wrote:
> Shouldn't those filters be 90 degree phase shift allpass filters?
That's a different design. The Weaver shifter uses two low-pass filters;
the Bode shifter uses two all-pass filters with a 90-degree phase
difference between them in the audio path, though the original Bode patent
( http://www.google.ca/patents/US3800088 ) also described using a
Weaver-type configuration with low-pass filters to generate the
through-zero quadrature carrier.
Matthew Skala
mskala at ansuz.sooke.bc.ca People before principles.
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