[sdiy] Ring Mod (was Re: Hadamard Transform Network)

Mattias Rickardsson mr at analogue.org
Tue May 16 17:18:14 CEST 2017

If a ring modulator modulates in a forest and no one is around to hear
it, does it still make a sound different to a 4-quadrant multiplier?

As a side band, ehh, note:
For the mixer concept (as in multiplier in radio tech), in Swedish
term used is "blandare", which literally means "mixer" - but the word
"blandare" hasn't been used for mixing consoles (at least not in
modern times) - those are just called "mixer". This makes the concept
of calling it mixer feel even more strange.


On 16 May 2017 at 15:22,  <mskala at ansuz.sooke.bc.ca> wrote:
> On Tue, 16 May 2017, Tom Wiltshire wrote:
>> Let me summarise from last time we had this conversation: strictly
>> 4-quadrant multipliers aren't "ring mods", but many people use "ring
>> mod" universally to apply to both. This is either sloppy and incorrect
>> usage, or a widening of the definition of the term depending on your
>> point of view.
> Yeah, and the audio people don't even call them "mixers" as God Intended!
> :-)
> --
> Matthew Skala
> mskala at ansuz.sooke.bc.ca                 People before principles.
> http://ansuz.sooke.bc.ca/

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