[sdiy] Ring Mod (was Re: Hadamard Transform Network)

Neil Johnson neil.johnson71 at gmail.com
Tue May 16 15:53:28 CEST 2017

Hi Tom,

> Let me summarise from last time we had this conversation: strictly 4-quadrant multipliers aren't "ring mods", but many people use "ring mod" universally to apply to both. This is either sloppy and incorrect usage, or a widening of the definition of the term depending on your point of view.

Or more precisely:
  4-quadrant modulators are a type of product modulator
  ring modulators are a type of product modulators
  4-quadrant modulators are not ring modulators

For the best performance out of a ring modulator you need to drive it
with a very good bipolar square wave to minimise unwanted sidebands.


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